Furniture Bonus 2021: Complete Guide to Taking Advantage of the Tax Breaks for Furnishings
Introduction to the 2021 Furniture Bonus
The Furniture Bonus is one of the main tools implemented by the Italian Government to stimulate the furniture market and encourage citizens to invest in improving their homes. In 2021, with the health emergency and the need to renovate domestic spaces, this tax break takes on even greater importance. In this complete guide, we will explore in detail the Furniture Bonus, the requirements needed to access it, the eligible expenses and the resulting tax benefits.
Who can apply for the Furniture Bonus?
The 2021 Furniture Bonus can be requested by different categories of subjects, all linked by a common denominator: the desire to renovate and improve the home. Who can benefit from it?
- Property owners: Anyone who owns a property and has carried out renovation work can apply for the relief.
- Tenants: Tenants who have carried out renovation work on a rental property can also access the bonus, subject to authorization from the owner.
- Condominiums: Condominiums that have approved renovation works can request the bonus for furniture purchased for common areas or for individual housing units.
Requirements to access the Furniture Bonus
To be able to benefit from the Furniture Bonus, it is essential to meet some specific requirements:
- Renovation Work: You must have ongoing or completed building renovation work. Renovation expenses must be documented through invoices and bank transfers.
- Documentation: Keeping receipts and invoices for furniture and large appliances purchased is essential to demonstrate expenses incurred.
- Timing: Purchases of furniture and large appliances must be made after the start of the renovation work and by the end of the renovation work.
Tax breaks provided
The Furniture Bonus offers a very interesting tax relief. In 2021, the tax deduction is set at:
- 50% of expenses incurred: This deduction applies to a maximum amount of 10,000 euros for eligible expenses. This means that the maximum deductible amount is 5,000 euros.
It is important to note that the bonus can be combined with other incentives, such as the Superbonus 110%, for renovation interventions that also involve the energy efficiency of buildings.
Types of eligible expenses
Let's now explore which expenses can benefit from the Furniture Bonus. Eligible expenses include:
- New Furniture: Sofas, beds, wardrobes, tables, chairs and other furnishings that help improve the look and functionality of your home.
- Large household appliances: Refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, hobs and other appliances with an energy class of at least A+. This helps promote more sustainable energy consumption.
- Additional costs: The costs of transport and assembly of the purchased furniture are included, provided they are documented.
How to apply for the Furniture Bonus
Applying for the Furniture Bonus is a relatively simple process, but it requires attention to detail. Here are the steps to follow:
- Renovation Work Verification: Make sure you are having renovation work underway or completed. This is the basic requirement for accessing the bonus.
- Purchasing Furniture and Appliances: Make necessary purchases and keep all invoices and receipts.
- Documentation: Prepare necessary documentation, including proof of renovation work and purchase invoices.
- Filing your tax return: Enter your furniture expenses in the appropriate section of your tax return. The deduction will be applied based on the total amount spent.
- Checking the deductible amount: Verify that the deduction amount is correct and within the limits established by law.
Deadlines and timeframes
It is essential to be aware of the deadlines and timeframes related to the Furniture Bonus. In general, expenses must be incurred by the end of the renovation work. The tax return, depending on the type of model used, must be submitted by the deadlines established by the Revenue Agency. Make sure you are updated on the latest regulations so as not to miss the opportunity to benefit from the bonus.
Additional benefits of the Furniture Bonus
In addition to tax savings, the Furniture Bonus offers further advantages:
- Stimulus to the economy: Supporting the furniture sector helps boost the economy, creating jobs and supporting small and medium-sized businesses.
- Property Enhancement: Renovating and furnishing living spaces not only improves the quality of life, but also increases the value of the property on the market.
- Greater comfort and functionality: Investing in new furniture and appliances helps make home spaces more welcoming and functional, improving daily well-being.
Final considerations
The 2021 Furniture Bonus is an excellent opportunity for those who want to renovate their home. With a significant tax deduction and the possibility of saving on furniture and large household appliance purchases, it is important to inform yourself and plan your purchases strategically. Make sure you meet all the requirements and keep the necessary documentation to be able to take advantage of the tax breaks. Don't miss the opportunity to make your home more beautiful, functional and welcoming, taking advantage of the Furniture Bonus!